10 de mar. de 2008

About my FNC experience

I'd began in Forum Nokia, since it was introduced by Janaina (Engineer from INdT). She told me that I could reach the best content for developers.

January, 2006
I got a message from Forum Nokia group in my Gmail inbox. As I usually do, I just pass through those topics, start reading something like: "Congratulations, you...". I had no doubt: it was a spam, (probably something related to Viagra, etc.). No doubt. I moved that message to trash and kept reading...
Then I stoped for a while and start thinking that, why should it comes from Forum Nokia? Spammers don't usually do that. I was working in a web component for a bank system. I start reading and I couldn't believe until check all that information: I was elected as Forum Nokia Champion -- and won a N90 device by the way (great!).

Lunch celebration and everything else that you can imagine. Like a child getting a new PS3 or Wii :-)

But the best of all was just in the beginning. FNC group invited us (Champions) to the first ever - Forum Nokia Champion Day, to be placed in San Francisco, CA. Awesome, I've never been in USA before, I was going to meet the other Champions, the management team, going to JavaOne, etc.
If you think everythink was easy, you're wrong. This is how it begans:

January 2005 - October 2005
I was a Java developer. A good developer in desktop but really getting more experienced in enterprise and mobile. Specially architecture, designing -- of course, love coding :)

My university has joined in a Nokia partnership with universities through the Nokia Technology Institute. My team Sinapse -- was invited and eligible to participate in this program.

I must admit, I'm in love about innovation. More than coding (or Wii). We had the freedom to choose what we wanted to develop, but of course, using nokia devices.

After many ideas, we chosed to develop something using the Bluetooth technology and our expertise in Java. In that time, I didn't realized that JSR-82 wasn't so available as we expected. Anyway, we created the AoW application. I was the responsible for communication between the devices -- in other words, to make it works through Bluetooth.

In that time, there was only ONE device from Nokia, whose implemented the JSR-82. It was the S60 1st edition Nokia 6600. Incredible bugs. Hard time to make L2CAP work on that. No easily firmwares updates available. Getting worst: there was another little problem. JSR-82 needs adaptation to desktop (since our budget allows to bought only 1 device) and USB adaptor. We tried, Avetana, Rococo, and finally we did it with Atinav.

After that, we presented the solution and it was recognized by INdT as a innovative solution. Also, I started helping people under discussion forums and exchanging experiences. In the same year, I did a presentation in a brazilian Java event called JustJava. It was a sucess for me and my colleagues.

It wasn't my first time in mobility. I've developing some midlets for our M2A solution in the medical area, and some simple games. It helps a lot when you get a complicated work, to have some expertise, saving time with trivial stuff like how midlet works, signing, jad and manifest, etc.

Forum Nokia Champion program had many opportunities to developers get ahead in technologies: remote device testing, mosh pre-experience, access to early documentation, meetings, webinars, free pass, etc. Also, you can take the Symbian Certification for free, help managing the Wiki board (Ron's team), bloggin', getting more involved at all.

The best point to me was to meet people. I could be in touch with experts like Rosso, Tote, Alexander Traud, Juarez Barbosa, etc; guys really experienced in mobility.

About bad points: I've already gave them my feedback, but I really would like to say that it's not easy for a recent graduate guy, spend money to travel for different countries around the World, even with tickets covered. I had tickets for 3GSM, Nokia World and other events. But traveling expenses turn it impossible to make it :-(

I did started some Wiki, and tried to increase my participation in discussion boards, but I couldn't draw a line and make my time work for me and this period. I'd moved job from IBM to Ericsson, since my extension in this program -- 2007; I couldn't participate as much as I can (and as much a Champion needs to). To be a FNC, it requires not only expertise, but dedication and reserved time.

Now, I'm working at Ericsson (not the joint venture - Sony Ericsson please) and my main role is not with mobility. Not yet! But I'm always getting more involved working in IPTV and breaking the IMS and Mobile TV area. I've become more active in Sony Ericsson Developer world and in Knowledge Base at Ericsson (not public forum).

Maybe in the future I can be eligible again. I hope in the future I can enjoy a bit more the program, being available to travel and participate -- maybe in Forum Nokia, Sony Ericsson, or another great home for mobililty guys ;-)

3 comentários:

Antony Pranata disse...

Good luck with your future career at Ericsson (no "Sony").

I also almost deleted the email that announce me as FNC. Fortunately, I didn't do it and read the rest of the message.

Luis disse...

Thanks Antony!
Yeah, it's really "strange" getting the award by email... I'm lucky that Gmail didn't "though" it was a spam as I did!

Hope you enjoy your time in the program and to keep in touch with you!

Diógenes G. Rettori disse...

Good to work with the bests. Nice piece of work you did @ the forum nokia Luis. I have no doubt that you'll not have to wait longer to be a Sony Ericsson Champion, if such recognition exists.
Let us keep the good work at Ericsson and see what the future holds.